Get in touch
When not buried in farm and writing tasks, Austen often gives talks, lectures and workshops (etc.) to wherever where the People of God assembles in order to deepen understanding of the big picture behind the Francis pontificate in both Church and world.
Feel free to get in touch about inviting him to speak through his Campion Hall address here: campion.ox.ac.uk/people/dr-austen-ivereigh
Cuando no abrumado por tareas urgentes de escritura y de la granja Austen a menudo da charlas, conferencias y talleres (etc.) dondequiera se reúne el Pueblo de Dios, con el fin de profundizar el conocimiento de la visión global del pontificado de Francisco. Habla castellano porteño y fluído.
Siéntanse libres de contactarlo a través de su correo de Oxford aquí: campion.ox.ac.uk/people/dr-austen-ivereigh